Saturday, September 26, 2009

Communicating in Teams and Mastering Listening and Nonverbal Communication Skills

As you may already know Professional Baseball, also known as Major League Baseball, is formed into a total of thirty teams divided into two Leagues, fourteen in the American League and sixteen in the National League. Communication within each team is crucial, both verbal as well as nonverbal. Listening to each other is just as important. How these players inner-act and understand one another will dramatically affect the games outcome. One false move or miscommunication can cost any team to give up a run or perhaps even cause the lose of the game. Mastering listening consist of giving the speaker your undivided attention while still observing your surroundings, this takes some practice but must be mastered to achieve maxim affect of teamwork. Some forms of nonverbal communication skills are the signs the teammates give one another. For example, when the pitcher and catcher need to communicate, the catcher would give different signs signifying what pitch to throw next, keeping the batter questioning the next pitch. Another form of nonverbal communication is the signs the base coaches give the runners on base, informing them what is happening on the field, whether it's signaling them to run or remain on that base.