Monday, September 14, 2009

Persuasive Business Message.

There are many similarities between writing a persuasive message and writing a business persuasive message, both need you to identify the seven ways to establish your credibility, but a business message must also have the AIDA model: Attention- get the audiences attention Interest- explain what you are offering Desire- Explain how this will benefit the audience Action- Explain the suggestions you plan to take There are both emotional and logical appeals to consider when making a message, you want to have a balance of the two the get the point across clearly. Also, there are things you would want to avoid when relaying a message. 1.Avoid generalizing 2.Avoid repeating your facts too many times 3.Avoid attacking your opponent. 4. Avoid oversimplifying a problem 5.Avoid assuming any cause and effect 6.Avoid faulty analogies 7. Avoid illogical support